For quite a while now since I've been publishing this blog, I have had a great friend in Ana. She grew up in New Orleans and is incredibly knowledgable about the music and culture of the city (not to mention great music in general). She also publishes one of my favorite blogs, THE SINGING BONES, and contrary to what she says below, I have been hipped to a handful of records I'd never heard, thanks to her excellent blog. I am delighted and honored to have a guest post from her today.
Here's what she has to say...
"When Derek asked me to guest on his blog, my first thought was....yikes! do I even own a record he hasn't already posted? In short, going toe to toe with Derek's collection is a little intimidating. Or, at least it is to me. But ya know, of course I do own some cool 45's which Derek hasn't posted, maybe even a few he hasn't scooped up yet. So, there's really no reason why I should get all twisted-up about this, right? [uh huh]
Anyway, I recently added a sixth Diamond Joe Maryland 45 to my collection. This is out of seven possible. So, in honor of my dogged pursuit of fairly obscure singles.....I'm offering up a song which I don't think has been posted on any of the soul blogs before. At least, I haven't seen it posted before and a quick search didn't turn up anything either.
This surprises me. It's a great tune...full of twists, turns, and stops. Most of all, stops. Heavy on the stops. Allen Toussaint produced it. I love it.
The title is, Don't Set Me Back. From 1966..."
Love It! :-)
I love this track. You are the first as far as I know to post the track specifically but I know its on a new orleans compilation:
I am very excited because I suspected this was a Toussaint production but I didn't hear Allen's always fantastic background vocals that usually give it away. So thanks for confirming that...and for turning me on to The Singing Bones.
FYI -- I really only like the Diamond Joe track from the compilation...
Hey Steven, glad ya like the tune. I thought it might be on a comp, but didn't know for sure.
I know exactly what ya mean about the background vocals on Toussaint productions....but fyi, often enough it's Willie Harper singing the part.
It's all a bit confusing cause he does sound something like Toussaint.
VERY grateful to you to make us discover Ms Ana B's blog.
Hey Ana,
Great record thanks for bringing it to my attention.I checked your blog & found 2 more by Diamond Joe. Fingers crossed the other 3 are going to appear at some point.
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