In between recording in New York, then on to a long run in Memphis with Stax offshoot Koko records, Luther Ingram cut this mind blowing track in Detroit with the legendary Detroit figurehead musician/arranger/writer/producer Richard "Popcorn" Wylie.
An incredibly in-demand and very hard to find record, I have been relatively content with a reissue for years. Makes me even happier to own this battered original though! The amazing thing is (yet another testament to the righteous nature of 45's) this record looks like it was dragged behind a truck but as the MP3 shows, it still sounds GREAT.
from 1966...
has it got the raised x? over in england, we have so many versions and copies of this, i have seen people pay hundreds on ebay for an obvious copy. shame. i have a 1972 re-issue, whatever, it's one of my fav NS tracks of all time.
10 out of 10 for this one - that's great. Thanks.
Excellent record. Thank you! I had never heard this one before. It sounds great.
Love this record.. heard it on a friends mix tape 20 years back but didn't know who it was by and spent years trying to describe it in shops/record fairs till I finally found a clued up dealer who knew exactly what I was on about... and probably doubled the price of the reissue he sold me! Thanks.
Don't know how I missed this posting - oh right, we were on vacation. Anyway, I'm so glad you played it on your radio spot the other night. Fantastic! Thanks yet again, Derek. Marie
Can't get this one out of my head - it's so-o-o good!
A friend of mine said that Maurice Tony Gray of The Holidays and his wife, Elsie Baker of the Debonaires, sang background on this one.
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