(originally published 5/23/09)
Luckily, there is a search feature within this blog; I thought I'd featured this song ages ago but I hadn't. Glad I checked, as this is such a good one it almost slipped through the cracks of my blog clutches.
Born in Providence, RI, Freddie Scott got distracted from studying medicine to make his career in music, and placed an early song of his on a Ricky Nelson album. Freddie cut a demo in 1963 for songwriters Goffin and King that went on to be a huge hit for himself (it was intended to be recorded by Chuck Jackson) with "Hey Girl" which was his biggest hit.
This is a later track that miraculously never was a hit. Just doesn't seem fair! It's so catchy, well performed and sung with majesty by Freddie. No wonder the intro hook has been sampled more than a few times by hip hop artists.
from 1968...
Ha! I find I'm hitting my own search button more and more lately.
That is absolutely wonderful. Just looked on Discogs, not sure I can afford $40 for it though.
Great record! Unfortunately we can only har the first minute and 12 seconds. Do you think you could repost the entire record? Thanks.
YankeeBoy, I just checked the file and it's all there. Not sure what's happening on your end...
not to be one of those guys you only hear from to complain (love the blog! just never got around to commenting before) but there does seem to be something wrong with the divshare upload. it starts enthousiastically playing a 2:17-track but at some point realises it only has 1:12 of it to offer us... (especially a shame with this track. I *love* biz markie's just a friend and had never heard the original)
@Derek: I downloaded this file as well and I can confirm what YankeeBoy reported. Same problem here. On another note: HUGE THANX for all these delicious singles! Where else could we hear this music?
Derek, I'm only getting the first 1:12 as well
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