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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Both in her solo career and (earlier) as a member of The drew-Vels, Patti Drew's lovely voice is heard on nearly two dozen singles before she left the music biz in 1971.

One obvious difference with the music business in the '60's was that labels gave many great artists time to grow and prosper; while Patti only had one major hit (1968's sublime "Workin' On A Groovy Thing') yet Capitol believed in her talent enough to keep her signed to the label for many years. Lucky for us! In my opinion, the downfall of the music industry was completely brought on by their about face which focused more on the quick buck and less on the longevity of artists.

While this isn't a "major" record by any stretch, it's the type of record that I could see having appeal until the end of time, as it is just so charming. Precisely the type of record that doesn't get made very often in today's climate. But they were cut literally EVERY DAY back in the day, by labels large and small. And I feel damn fortunate that they were.

from 1969...


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Anonymous said...

Nice record Derek. As you say about many records being cut like this, I don't think I've heard it before but it sounds like I have. Like it though. Have you any idea why the download link is not appearing on the last few records you have posted?
Regards, Dave.

RICCARDO said...

hey, this is a motown remake originally done by Mary Wells at a slower tempo however. Both versions are monsters I like Patti's to do a slow bop and Mary's a slow drag.
You can find Pattis on her Workin on a groovy thing cd and Mary's on her greatest hits Box set.

Good Catch