Behold; probably THE greatest double sided swan song 45's...Fitting that it was released on END records.
Anna King had just become free of former boss James Brown (she was female lead singer in the group for close to two years) when she cut this blazing record. After this release, Anna went back to singing gospel music exclusively, eventually giving up singing altogether in 1976 to become a minister.
Wand records producer Luther Dixon discovered her singing with a gospel group in 1961 and persuaded her to perfprm secular material; she had a few releases before replacing Tammi Terrell in the James Brown group (she also cut a few sides on her own during this time).
So here we have her free of the Godfather, answering his recently-released "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag"; paving the way for all future "diss" recordings so prevalent in the hip hop world.
The B-side, 'Sally", is a thing of incredible beauty. Who would think that it would be possible to whip out such a gorgeous song about man stealing?
A truly remarkable record; too bad it was Anna's last stand.
from 1965...