I am very thankful for "Sunday oldies" radio programming; not only here in the bay area (with the strong lowrider community, there is a certain style of r&b oldies that are favored) as well as when I lived near Chicago (I was in a band that practiced on Sundays so my soundtrack to the drive was always "Dusty Sundays"). These programs have been very helpful not only in my musical education but also in reminding me of tracks that I either didn't appreciate in full before or was reminded of again. My Sunday entries are always a tribute to this type of radio programming.
Last Sunday, my lady friend and I were driving and this gem popped out of the speakers. I knew the song, but it took me a while to remember who it was. I always chuckle at myself when I know I HAVE a record but can't remember who it is! So I had to do a google search and realized, "Oh yes, the CASINOS". Of course it was sitting on my 45 shelf!
This is an absolutely gorgeous track from an all-white group from Cincinnati. This song has the feel of a William Bell number, and it's no surprise that he cut it as well.
from 1967...
Great song - have you heard Bettye Swann's version? Every time I hear it I think, "How could anyone consider saying goodbye to that voice?"
what a cracking track !
Damn, what a classic! LOVE that organ!
Peace and SOUL,
Try flipping this 45 over for another gem!
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