A veteran of not only numerous gospel groups but also the Korean War, Vernon Garrett has had an incredibly interesting career at the very least.
Sadly, this L.A based singer lost his wife and singing partner Jewel to cancer in the mid 60's which set his world into a tailspin; however, this great record captures that magical male/female duo sound. Little is known about Marie Franklin, although I know she cut a few more sides for Ray Charles' Tangerine label. Recorded at the tail end of the sixties, this style was on it's way out of vogue but it's a style that has stood the test of time so well.
from 1969...
Hey man, your great blog has been killed. This is a cached page.
nah, it's back up and running!
Nice choice yet again! Love the fact that the girl has as "dirty" a voice as the guy - makes a real change and adds an extra dimension. Far better than a lot of the Marvin and Tammi stuff that Motown pushed out.
D'you think this is the same Marie Franklin did Bad Bad Woman? On Westbound,'76? Massively tough sisterfunk killer:
Derek, your choice of music is second to none. Thank you!
"What ever happened to Marie Franklin? She is, in fact, the vocalist that made 'Bad, Bad Woman. Back in the early 70's Marie burst into the house of a friend, baritone saxophonist, J.D. Reed, (IKe and Tina Turner). She was so excited, and she belted out the lyrics to Bad, Bad Woman, right there on the spot. Man! She has a funky, soulful voice! She also did another tune that started something like this: 'Listen to me, I'll tell you why...if the man's no good, you'd better say goodbye...while you're at home watching Jack and Jill, he's out blowing the dollar bill...you'd better break away, break away, during the darkness right before dawn...'--I am the original writer of that tune (thought it was poetry, but Reed copyrighted it, sette words to music, and bam)! Don't know if it was ever produced on a recording though..."
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