I first heard this one on my buddy Stuart Shea's brilliant blog (Baseball, Music & Real Life) in his series of Beatle sound-alikes and set about finding a copy of my own. This song "adopts" the melody of "You Won't See Me' (they MUST have known!) and there is a real haunting quality to this recording. Maybe it's the earnest vocals that are bathed in reverb and have a ghostly quality, or maybe its all in my mind since there's no information whatsoever about these guys (although the record has been dated to 1966) and it just has this somewhat haunting vibe. I really like this song, and the chorus is super catchy.
Stranger yet, this single was cut in stereo (almost ALL 45's up until 1971 or so are in glorious mono) and while the label lists the track as being a shorter time, the song is almost 4 minutes long. Strange stuff indeed.
from 1966...
UPDATE- Since there was difficulty uploading this track, i have switched the file hosting to rapidshare...Hopefully this works out well!
ok then Derek, but how do we download this buddy so we can find out?
just wondering if the link is what you meant?...i can't figure out how to download it...
Click on the link and it will let you download it from that page. I know, not as easy as before but I completely ran out of bandwidth at my former file hosting site.
To download the file, you must make an account. Which is totally annoying.
Derek, you should try drop.io. A few other music blogs that I read use that.
Derek- I can't get this file to download. Why don't you use rapidshare for uploading? It's free and easy. I've uploaded over 2500 self made CD's, not 45's. There is unlimited storage space, and it's so very easy and quick!
OK, point well taken. I have switched the hosting to rapidshare.
My brother, Robert Economous, is singing and playing guitar. William Archibald is also playing guitar (bass I believe). Bob passed away December 12, 1993 of lung cancer.
the RCA matrix codes W4KS-5060/5061 reveal that it was recorded in 1968.
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