Shortly before his long run of hits with Los Angeles based Double Shot records (including the ubiquitous and incredible "Oogum Boogum Song" and "Gimme Little Sign") Brenton Wood (here incorrectly listed as Breton Wood, oh dear) cut this lovely side for L.A based Brent Records. A very ling three years separated the release of this record from his previous release (1963's "Mr Schemer", a past 45 of the day) and in the recording world of the sixties three years was a lifetime! It's a wonder he was able to begin a recording career again (anyone know what he was doing between '63-'66?) but thankfully he was, and continues to be an incredible stage performer (he's playing near my home on September 18th @ the Avalon in Santa Clara, CA. Will I be there? You better believe it, baby!)
The popularity of Brenton wood is so massive here on the west coast that a friend of mine who manages a local chain record store told me that his greatest hits CD is the all time biggest selling CD in their chain. There IS HOPE FOR THE GOOD TASTE OF THE WORLD YET!!!
from 1966...
Excellent record. Very smooth. Thank you!!
Maybe they thought his name was a play on Bretton Woods?
Considering the length of the gap and the fact that it was the sixties, my guess would be that he'd probably gotten drafted...
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