Starting out in the late doo-wop era, The Delacardos, from South Carolina waxed this delicious uptempo stomper late in their career and...not much else to say, other than that this song is guaranteed to go down smooth and put a smile on your face.
The drummer should be given some type of a medal for those inspired snare drum cracks throughout the song.
from 1966...
Great track Derek! Thanks for the post, because I'd never heard this version. I'm more familiar with this version by Lee Tillman & The Secrets
Any idea which is first? Or more info on Grier the writer?
not sure which came first, but Lee Tillman is great, too!
They "The Delacardos" were from Charlotte, N.C. not South Carolina. My Uncle, Vernon Hill was one of the lead singers and wrote a few songs for the group. I called him to tell him his former group(s) music was all over the internet. Man was he ever tickled about that.
We played a concert/contest in FEB 1958 at OVENS Auditorium in Charlotte with 12 groups performing. The Delacardos were a great group that night. I remember that great night as I played piano with Bobby Ferguson and the "GATES" from Wingate College. OVENS "rocked". Love to hear from one of the original members of that group.See YOUTUBE - Bobby Ferguson and the Gates.
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